About the Friends

The Friends of the Library volunteer group has been vital to the library for decades. If not for the hard work of our Friends, we would not be here today. The Friends' fundraising and advocacy allowed us to build a new library building in 2002, has given us much-needed furniture and equipment, funded fantastic programs for the public, sponsored reading program incentives, and brought new faces through our doors. Please, consider joining!

Current Officers:
President: Phillip Braithwaite
Vice President: Kyra Kubehl
Treasurer: Maureen Hafner-Lazers
Secretary: Katie Braithwaite


Join the Friends or just volunteer! 
Help us continue to help our library.


$5 -- single person
$10 -- family
$50 -- business

If you would like to join us, the meetings are held at the library on the second Thursday of every other month at 6:00 pm.


The Friends of the Marshall Library provide financial assistance to the library and offer yearly scholarships to graduating high school students. Click the word "Scholarship" above for more information and to access the application.



The Friends hold multiple major fundraising events every year. Please see the library events calendar for specific dates and times. Volunteers are very welcome at:

Book Sale @ the library - (Held annually on the second weekend in May.) Thursday is traditionally a special Friends' "members only" preview sale from 3-6pm.  Friday, the book sale is open to the public 8am-1pm. Saturday, the book sale is open to the public 8am-3pm. Volunteers are needed to haul in and set up thousands of books in the weeks before the book sale. Books can be donated at the library for the sale all year round. If you'd like to help, please call Leaota Braithwaite at 608-655-3700.

The Village Wide Garage Sale Day is traditionally held on the same Saturday as our Book Sale. In the past, the Friends sponsored the Garage Sale Day by coordinating a sale map; however, due to dwindling interest in purchased sale listings, the Friends have discontinued the map. If your group would like to take over the coordination of a sale map and listing, it's up for grabs!

Dog Wash  -  Sorry, no dog wash in 2025. By 2026, we'll have some pretty stinky pups to wash!

Bake and Craft Sale - 8:00am-2:00pm. Usually the second Saturday in December in the library community room. Volunteers are needed to donate baked goods, price donations, act as cashier, and clean up. 

The Friends have also done Giant Candy Land, Gala events (such as wine tastings), Trivia, indoor mini golf, and volunteer appreciation banquets. If you want to help, let us know!